Friday, February 24, 2012

Another Obama Nominee Confirmed to the Bench

Let me first state that I don’t support any group or group of people in this piece; however, I DO support the Constitution of the United States with the exception of some to the socialistic amendments that were added to benefit any and all politicians.

Our Constitution was created to PROTECT WE THE PEOPLE and was NOT created to cater to any scumbag politician’s profitable interest.

So my Friends of the Second Amendment, take time to read this piece and comment on it. All comments are welcome.

I did not write all of the words to this piece, but I did add my comments in some areas of this expose.  

Last week, President Obama named to the federal bench another radical anti-gun nominee, Jesse Furman.

To no one’s surprise, Furman is cut from the same judicial cloth as other Obama socialist nominees such as Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan; both of whom know NOTHING about the Constitution of the United States.

For instance, in an article published a number of years ago—but from which Furman has not distanced himself—he writes that: “Probably the best explanation for the amount of violent crime in the United States is its fascination with guns.”

This is the same BS that ALL socialist believe in until they’re lives or their family’s lives are threatened and then the story changes. That’s when they want guns in their home, in their car or truck, and in their offices OR some moronic thug, who has the brains of an amoeba, who will stand over them to protect them from any of life’s inconvenience.

Members Gun Owners of America have flooded the Senate with emails, and many Senators voted against Furman. But Majority Leader Harry Reid kept every single Democrat in lock-step with the Obama agenda, and Furman was confirmed to a lifetime appointment to the bench on a vote of 62-34.

This, if anything, SHOULD tell We the People something about what the Democrats want and DON’T want. These same Democrats had this same hatred for the African-American Slaves, and they fought every step of the way until they brought the African-American race into its fold through threats, killings, and mutilations.

And ALL of this was done through the organization that supported the Democrats, and that organization was the KKK back then. Today it’s the Communist Party USA and the numerous Socialist Party Groups and whacked out individuals.

This is all documented and in some cases it is blocked by the establishment as lies and falsifications. With a little research, this all comes to light. There are books that have been written and published on behave of some of the slaves to bring to light what went on and what had happened. BUT you must do your research.  

Now don’t get me wrong thinking that I favor the Republicans or the Independents or the Tea Party and other rightwing groups, because there are enemies within ALL political groups. 

Back in the early to mid 1900’s there were the Dixiecrats who jumped parties to favor their own selfish needs and that’s not to mention the communist who came into politics to sway the United States away from her Freedoms and make us all slaves unto their religious beliefs.

My philosophy is DON’T TRUST ANY POLITICIAN. The trust in our government died in the mid1800’s when the last of our Founding Fathers had died and the anarchist began to emerge with their selfishness.

Okay that’s enough of a history lesson, so let’s get back to this nomination of Jesse Furman, and let’s look at the Republican side of this ordeal.

Republicans Jon Kyl and John McCain (AZ), Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander (TN), Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe (ME), Jeff Sessions (AL), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Scott Brown (MA), and Lindsey Graham (SC) joined all Democrats in voting for Furman.

This vote serves to highlight the difficulty in protecting the courts from anti-Second Amendment nominees who come before the Congress.

Obama will continue to nominate far left gun grabbers, and Harry Reid will be his go-to guy for confirmation votes.

And if Obama wins a second term, his agenda will become only more brazen.

That’s why the top goal of We the People and any organization who supports OUR FREEDOMS provided in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution in 2012 is to elect as many truly pro-gun friends as we can to the U.S. Senate.

And if those who are still in office and / or those who get elected to office DON’T abide by our wishes, need to GET REMOVED from that position and REPLACED by someone who will abide by our wishes.

Therefore, take note: it is CRUCIAL that Harry Reid DOES NOT retain the gavel next year. BUT it is not enough to just elect members of the opposing party.

WE NEED to elect STRONG candidates who understand the Constitution and who will not bow to pressure from the White House—WHOEVER THE OCCUPANT MAY BE—OR from the LEADERSHIP OF EITHER PARTY in the Congress.

It’s up to WE the PEOPLE, and IF WE FAIL, it’s OUR FAULT because WE did NOT do what was required.

We can live in either a FREE REPUBLIC or under a Democratic Socialist State; the choice is YOURS. What are YOU gonna do THIS year?  

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