Monday, April 30, 2012

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration, Part 2

"It's called "selective bias."  And I personally think that the MEDIA needs to keep it nose out of politics and concentrate on being the Fourth Estate like it was set up in the beginning. OF COURSE, WE the PEOPLE can make that Happen, but it won't be PRETTY...

While the Main Stream Media prattles about Trayvon Martin's death, those reporters failed to make any mention of the two African-American boys who doused a Kansas City, Missouri kid with gasoline and lit him on fire. It's called "selective bias."  The mainstream media rarely reports on the 'victimless crime' of illegal immigration.  Therefore, I interviewed Peter Wagner, Denver, Colorado in order to gain a greater understanding as to what happens to Americans that become victims of criminal illegal aliens......

by Frosty Wooldridge

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