Friday, April 27, 2012

Every citizen dependent upon the government...

The following was transcribe by a Friend who will remain annonymous, but it Nails the Problem that WE the PEOPLE face with the SCUM known as the socialist/ progressive leadership of America and what they want and DON’T give a Rats ass who doesn’t like it. The reason is because those who follow this group have been waterboarded and didn’t even know it happened...Brainwashed from the start.

The progressive leadership believed every citizen dependent upon the government should own a home, along with government provided food, cell phone, health care, retirement, fifty two weeks a year paid vacation, education and a “Bling” allowance. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd coddled and protected the sub-prime Ponzi scheme that finally collapsed the economy into a major recession in 2008. Barney Frank had an illicit love affair with “Fannie” Mae, which further clouded his thinking. I thought “Mae” was a women’s name. The sub-prime loan scam was destined to fail. After all, it was just another government program. There is an old saying “Crap in, Crap out”. The tidal wave of home loan defaults, spread over the country, causing economic devastation though out the land. This economic misery fermenting for years just happened to fall upon the latter years of the “W” administration.

The same politicians that caused the banking crisis were now in charge of fixing the problem. Many years before, a young Barack Obama sued Citibank for having best and fair lending practices. Citibank used the same lending standards for all Americans, with race never being a factor. African Americans as a group had worst credit, lower income and less employment stability. This translates to fewer people in this group qualifying for home or auto loans. They overall had a higher home loan rejection rate or were forced to pay higher interest rates than the general population. If the numbers don’t work out to your favor, it must be racism. Lord Obama told Citibank to make home loans to minorities regardless of credit, having a job, income, still in jail, or being deceased. Lawyer Obama worked with the nutty social justice at all cost group, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn). They forced Citibank into a large out of court settlement. Citibank relented to the blackmail from Obama. Otherwise, even though Citibank was innocent, they would be called racist for not submitting to the will of Obama. This racial bullying and blackmail served him well then and now as President. The government, Progressives, Acorn and others forced banks to participate in the sub-prime lending scheme. This eliminated many lending standards that had served the country well for years. Once the door for corruption was forced opened, it became a modern version of: “Bankers Gone Wild.” Most hard working Americans were not a party to the sub-prime government loan scam but greatly suffered during the long recession. Jobs were lost; wages and benefits were cut and value of their homes rapidly declined. As bad as the recession of 2008, few knew the worst was yet to come.

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